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Israel’s largest dairy came to us with something of a secret mission to create an entirely new brand of real chocolate dessert.

Who knew that Israelis are such chocolate dessert fans? Our research trip to Tel Aviv and surrounding towns showed us just what stiff competition existed and the challenges facing introducing a new product to the category.

Working closely with Tnuva’s insights and marketing team, we arrived at a name and positioning built around sneaking a peak around the door to forbidden indulgence!

Yolo, or ‘you only live once’ was chosen as a suitable brand name, along with bold graphics supporting the proposition. The brand look has been extended across a number variant products all with strong shelf blocking to compete in store.

Brand strategy partners
Visual Identity Creation
Packaging design
Art direction

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Business Results

In the first 2 weeks of launch (prior to full above the line advertising breaking) almost all products sold out, resulting in a market share increase of 17.7%. Sales have been 200% higher than expected and has grown the chocolate dessert market as a whole by over 30%.

Yolo is now one of Israel’s biggest selling dessert brands.

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